
The word “Hurricane” comes from the word huracan. It’s the god of big winds and evil spirits that was once worshiped by the Maya people of Central America.[1]

Hurricanes are very big and powerful. Hurricanes usually form in tropical regions north and south of the equator. Hurricanes are made up of thunderstorms that cluster together and start to rotate counterclockwise. The winds of a hurricane cover over 90 miles, and reach a minimum of 74 miles or above. The eye of the storm is a relatively cool and calm patch of a hurricane that is around 20 miles wide. And the second half of the storm hits going from the other way.[1]

The storm surge is the mound of ocean from 20 feet that can come ashore with the hurricane. This can flood parts of cities. Most hurricane related deaths are from the storm surge. Storm surge flooding can occur along the shore line for100 miles and can go inward several miles.[2] The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

There are 5 categories for a hurricane.
Category I - 74-95 mph winds with 4-5 ft. storm surge and minimal damage
Category II - 96-110 mph winds with 6-8 ft. storm surge and moderate damage
Category III - 111-130 mph winds with 9-12 ft. storm surge and major damage
Category IV - 131-155 mph winds with 13-18 ft. storm surge and severe damage
Category V - 155+ mph winds with 18+ ft. storm surge and catastrophic damageThe image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Hurricane season officially starts June 1st and ends November 30th, but the most active part of the season is from August and September.[2]

Before 1950 hurricanes were not officially named. Between 1950 and 1952 they were only simple names that were not very imaginative. Between 1953 and 1978 there were only female names for hurricanes. In 1979 the names were finally alternated between male and female names. Hurricanes are named alphabetically and years in advanced. And the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean names are separate from each other. If there is a hurricane that has had a severe impact or very destructive the name can be retired[2]The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Damage from a hurricane can be devastating. It can destroy house buildings, or anything in its way. It can take years to recover from the devastation. Like in hurricane ike there are still people recovering years after it happened.

Although hurricanes are made in nature, there is a devistating affact on humans and the environment. It can cause humans mouse to be destroyed as well as an animals home. There is alot of emotional damage as well as physical damage from a hurricane.

hurricanes haven't directly affected me. But hurricane katrina showed me how devastating a hurricane can be. and how long it can take to clean up and get over the dramatic events that happened. I hav relatives that live in Florida, North Carolina, and Alabama. Each of those states can get hit by a hurricane and when there is one that is about to hit these states i worry how bad the damage will be. and whether they will be ok or not.

some sites to get more information on hurricanes are
all of these websites will give you information on hurricanes. they can show you what a hurricane looks like and can show you how to survive or prepare for a hurricane.

1996-2008 National Geographic Society

Graphic Mac Design Service 1999 - 2008.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

final project

my final project is going to be a poster. i will be talking about some of the technical projects that nasa has done. I know i will be doing a section on the hubble telescope, and also some of the mars rovers. i will also be talking about some of the features that are used on the space ships for research.

Monday, October 13, 2008

global warming webquest

WHAT WE DID- we got on to a website and searched for answers to a workshett on global warming.
WHAT I THOUGHT- i liked this worksheet. it was not to hard and i learned quite a bit from it.
WHAT I LEARNED- i learned that US is the worlds leading CO2 emition. China is in Second. in 2025 US will still be in the lead but china will be close behind. Global warming can also cause infectious disease.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Green Book activity 1

WHAT I DID- we took a pie tray with water, dark soil, light soil and held it over a light for ten minutes, then we shut the light off and record the coolings every minute.

WHAT I LEARNED- i learned that dark soil absorbes heat the fastest out of the three and also loses the heat the fastes. Light soil and water gain and lose heat at about the same rate.

WHAT I THOUGHT- i really enjoyed this project, i enjoy doing labs more then reading.

Monday, October 6, 2008

WES Activity A

What i Did- i read about the water cycle and its affect on the Earths system. the reading also tells us about how the water cycle works.

What I thought- i thought this reading was semi-boring. i am not much for this type of science. I would rather read about sharks or ocean life. I did enjoy reading it a little.

What I learned- i learned that saudi arabia does not have any flowing rivers or lakes. i learned that the water cycle is powered by both the sun and gravity, even though in part of the water cycle it has to defi-gravity.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The River

Before we went to the river i thought the river was realy dirt. It looks really brown. I thought that it was extreamly polluted and that there could be support all the life that it did.

At the river i saw lots of organisms. There were lots of micro organisms and minnows. There were lots of down branches in the water. the area around the river was flooded because of all the rain the week before. I learned tht the water wasnt as dirty as i thought. The turbidity was really good and that it was extreamly polluted.

The q-value of turbidity was 85, the final WQI was 6.8. The turbidity of the water was very low. the water was almst clear. I figure that the turbidity would be realy high do to all the rain the weekend before.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

2 questions for Woldumar

1) can turbidity kill or harm the animals in the water?
2) Is turbidity a pollution?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Altering my bio-bottle

On monday i will alter my bio-bottle by adding more sand and clay to the the third layer so that the turbidity of my water is a higher level.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Global Science

Watershed are ridges of high areas dividing two areas that are drained by 2 different rivers. The Biggest water shed in Michigan is the grand River water shed. Michigan has some of the most important watersheds in the world. Some water bottling companies have to limit there monthly bottling.